I have done nothing but work and school for the past few weeks (midterms and deadlines, whoopee.) So in the absence of a reasonable social life, here's an opinion piece I wrote for work about my take on marriage and a picture of what I am currently wearing. Enjoy and feel free to rant about my rant.
I don’t
believe in marriage, I never have. Marriage to me is like a life sentence of
Big Brother. You have to get to know this person you have chosen as a housemate
for eternity; under everyone’s scrutiny. In addition to this, you have to try to not commit homicide
as each day passes because, you (willingly I might add) signed up for this and
you paid an arm and a leg too. The only good part of it is that you get a
license to have all the sex you want guilt-free. Then again, statistics show
that married people have less sex so, scratch that, you’re still screwed. The
best part? You can’t back out, and if you do, there’s a stigma attached.
However, as
much as I don’t believe in marriage, I don’t resent people who do get married,
as long as they do it for the right reasons. A good majority of people who get
married talk about planning the wedding and how it’s been their dream to have a
so-and-so wedding, lah-dee-dah, fairies and unicorns. Forgetting that after the
fairytale “I do’s” and the rice pummelling, there’s a hereafter. There are pots
and pans and underwear with skid marks to wash.
You see,
when you get married to someone, the general plan is that you are bound by an
invisible cord, for the rest of your existence. Notice how they say “till death
do us part?” that ain’t just whistling dixie my friend, they mean that. You
can’t walk away unless you die. Does the magnitude of these vows hit anyone
else but me? Do people understand what this means? They do? Then how in the
world, knowing all this, do people still get married on a whim hoping it’ll
last? You want to spend the rest of your life with them and yet you haven’t
even farted in their presence? Give me a break.
Funny thing
is, we trivialise marriage so much, yet we whine about how the divorce rate is
up. Well, duh, of course it is because everyone’s getting married for all the
wrong reasons. The sanctity of marriage in and of itself is endangered; people
are increasingly getting married just for the wedding. Take she-whose-divorce-has-recently-been-in-the-news-and-shall-not-be-named,
for example. 72 days and a few “irreconcilable differences” later, it’s bye-bye.
Get this, this sham of a wedding was blared so much over the damn news that I
thought I would die. Can anyone take in the ultra nonsense that is this?
What people
fail to realize is that marriage is a decree. You are bound by God and country
to spend the rest of your natural life with this person. Human beings are not
naturally monogamous; it is just not in us to do the same thing forever. We can
choose to be and that’s where love comes into play and even at that, love
doesn’t prepare you for a lifetime sentence.
So to
reiterate, I do not believe in marriage, not if you’re doing it for the sake of
it. I believe in marriage as an all-in-no-holds-barred gamble. As long as you
know for a fact (and accept) that you have no idea what you’re getting into and
are totally prepared for it, then go right ahead. Otherwise, step away from
that altar monsieur et madam, you are not worthy.
Annnd scene. Off to class. Ciao!